PBW Powdered Brewery Wash

Size: 1 lb
Location 1 lb 4 lb
Asheville: 5 1
Carrboro: 2 1
Charlottesville: 4 1
Raleigh: 0 0
Pittsboro Warehouse: 6 0


PBW is an industry favorite for cleaning heavy buildup in all manner of brewing equipment.  It is a buffered alkaline detergent that is known to be an excellent alternative to caustic soda cleaners. A unique formulation of buffers and mild alkalis, PBW is safe for skin as well as softer metals like stainless steel and aluminum, and also on plastics. It relies on active oxygen to penetrate carbon or protein based buildup and is not affected by hard water.

The oxygen content also assists in limiting biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) in wastewater, which makes PBW more environmentally friendly than comparable products. Designed to be used as a clean in place (CIP) cleanser, it is very effective at removing protein buildup found on brew kettles, fermentors, conditioning tanks, filters and all packaging areas. PBW is an excellent choice as a soak cleanser because it does not require excessive heat as do most caustic based cleaners. One of the most used and favored homebrew cleansers on the market!

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