Coast of Maine Bar Harbor Organic Potting Soil

Size: 8 qt
Location 8 qt 1 cuft 2 cuft
Asheville: 30 21 42
Carrboro: 16 22 27
Charlottesville: 23 23 56
Pittsboro Warehouse: 185 75 0


Coast of Maine was founded in 1996 with a dedication to protecting the planet and sustainable practices Coast of Maine Organic Products has grown since then and now offers some of the more unique and effective organic gardening products around.  

Bar Harbor Organic Potting Soil is based on a complex and dynamic blend of composted plant and ocean byproducts.  Composted lobster, blueberry, salmon, and other organic matter are blended with sphagnum peat moss, perlite, kelp meal, and calcium rich lobster shell.  You can expect a rich and dark brown soil with an excellent tilth and the perfect water retention to drainage ratio.  This blend is great for houseplants, vegetables, container garden, and any general purpose soil need. 

Aged composts, kelp, peat moss, perlite, and very old aged bark

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