Clear Swing Top Bottles - 1 liter

Color: Single
Location Single Case/12
Asheville: 0 1
Carrboro: 8 0
Charlottesville: 0 2
Raleigh: 0 0
Pittsboro Warehouse: 0 1


Swing top bottles are a great way to bottle your homemade beverages and other concoctions. The easy seal lids are faster than traditional capping, they’re resealable, and they have that classic Grolsch bottle look. These bottles can also be crown capped with standard 26.5 mm crown caps if you prefer. They will require a bench capper as the winged style cappers will not work with this bottle style.

Clear glass has the advantage of offering perfect transparency and allowing anyone to gaze upon the glorious contents of your swing top. This can be great for showcasing a wide variety of elixirs and other packaged liquids. However, it comes at the cost of UV exposure and should not be used for products that are light sensitive. 

1 liter bottles. Swing tops included.
12 to a case

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