This classic, true top cropping yeast strain is from a traditional brewery in Cologne, Germany. This strain brings about fruity character, with a clean profile, and produces low or no detectable levels of diacetyl. This yeast ferments well at a cold range (55-60 °F) and may also be used to produce quick-conditioning pseudo-lager beers. This powdery strain results in yeast that remains in suspension post fermentation and requires filtration or additional settling time to produce bright beers.
Flocculation: Medium
Attenuation: 71-75
Temperature Range: 62-72° F
Alcohol Tolerance: approximately 12% ABV
Recommended Styles: Kolsch, American Wheat, Alternative Grain Beer, Cream Ale, Berliner Weisse, Biere de Garde, Altbier, International Amber Lager, Fruit Beer, Fruit and Spice Beer, Specialty Fruit Beer, Spice, Herb or Vegetable Beer, Wheatwine
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